Our goal is to ensure everyone’s health and safety through the implementation of thorough procedures, while continuing to offer a fun and nurturing child care program.


Family Acknowledgment Disclosure

Return from COVID Parent Survey



WE HAVE. . .

• Been on every Zoom Meeting, webinar, conference, and chat there was available surrounding COVID-19!


• Consulted the CDC, Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), Department of Human Services (DHS), Health Department, Early Childhood Organizations, and fellow child care centers


• Had the contribution of all of the staff when developing the new policies and procedures. They all have been extremely positive and supportive during this uncertain time


• We have been gathering supplies (even when sparse and price gauged) and are fully stocked up on gloves, antibacterial wipes, bleach, hand sanitizer, and face masks


• Cleaned, disinfected, and sanitized the entire center (including carpets, toys, outdoor equipment, surfaces, and more)


• Conducted a mock walk-through of what our day will look like


While in the "Yellow Phase" no parents or visitors will be able to enter the building. Tours will be virtual via Zoom Meeting. If entering the building, visitors must wash my hands, spray my shoes with disinfectant and wear a mask.  While in the facility you must practice social distancing and remain 6ft from all other people, except for your own child. 


In addition to our normal cleaning procedures, we will be increasing efforts and implementing CDC recommendations:


• All visitors, including therapist will not be permitted in the building while in the “Yellow Phase”


• We will continue to use our bleach/water solution that is mixed daily to sanitize and disinfect


• Daily sanitizing (food surfaces) and disinfecting (non-food surfaces) of doorknobs & handles, railings, light switches, classroom sink handles, countertops, cots (sleeping head/toe), tables, chairs, cubbies, playground structures, etc.


• Toys on shelves will be decreased and rotated frequently to ensure proper cleaning. We will minimize sharing of toys between classrooms


• Toys that cannot be cleaned and disinfected will be temporarily put away


• Barriers will be placed to divide downstairs into two separate classrooms (Group C & D)


• We will limit combining classrooms (early morning, late afternoon – max 6 children) and promote social distancing whenever possible (tables/seating, classroom centers, swings, lines, napping, etc.). We will conduct lessons outside when possible


• Increased hand washing. Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If hands are not visibly dirty, alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol will be used


• We will require face shields, disinfect bottoms of shoes, and remind children not to touch their eyes, nose, mouth


Children ages 2-5 will be required to wear face shields vs. face masks at the center. The following are the reasons for our decision:

• Supervision = Hear, See, Direct, Assess. We need to be able to see the child’s face and assess his/her situation

• Illness: We need to be able see if a child has vomited, had a nose bleed, is choking, has a runny nose, etc.

• Less of a suffocation risk if wearing the shield

• Keeping the face mask on properly or keeping the child from touching a face mask will be challenging

• We are limiting items coming into the center to avoid spreading illness

Children ages 6+ and all adults will be required to wear a facemask

All children and staff will have shoes disinfected before entering the building. Please see Disclosure for further details



Your child must be free from COVID-19 symptoms. If, during the day, any of the following symptoms appear in your child, he/she will be separated from the rest of the people in the center.


You will be contacted, and the child MUST be picked up from the facility within 30 minutes of being notified.


Your child’s temperature will be taken periodically throughout the day while on facility premises.

Symptoms include,


• Fever of 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or higher

• Dry cough

• Shortness of breath

• Chills

• Loss of taste or smell

• Sore throat

• Muscle aches


While we understand that many of these symptoms can also be related to non-COVID-19 related issues we must proceed with an abundance of caution during this Public Health Emergency. These symptoms typically appear 2-7 days after being infected so please take them seriously. Your child will need to be symptom free without any medications for 72 hours before returning to the facility.


Drop off time slots will be assigned accordingly to schedules to promote social distancing.


We ask that you try and have the same, low risk person drop off/pick up

• Please remain in your car until signaled to get in line for the Health Check station

• Adults must wear a facemask and remain 6 feet from the people in front of you

• Child will be scanned with a touchless thermometer. If the child’s temperature is 100º or over, he/she will not be permitted to attend

• See symptoms list in Disclosure

• See attached CDC Guidelines

• After Health Check, a staff member will take the child to wash hands and to their classroom


Staff will be required to skip ahead in line for entry due to ratio purposes inside building.


Closing/Pick Up times routines will be adjusted to enable staff to properly clean

Pick up time slots will be assigned accordingly to schedules to promote social distancing

We ask that you try and have the same, low risk person drop off/pick up

• If children are inside:

• Once you pull into TBC parking lot, please call 215-245-1184 to notify us that you are here (please be patient, several families may be calling at once)

• We will bring the child and their belongings to the door

• Allow one, low risk person at front door at a time to get the child

• If children are outside:

• Please use side gate entrance and wait for a staff member to direct the child to you. We will do our best to have your child’s items outside and ready


Be Positive!

Children observe everything and with these drastic changes to our routine we all need to be supportive for the children.


As children return to the classroom, there will be lots of anxiety and scared feelings. If possible, follow the routine of the center while at home. Such as talking about the new routine and what to look forward to, taking their temperature and practicing 20 second handwashing. This will help ease anxiety as the children will know what to expect.


Start talking about going back to TBC and reminding the children of the fun things that happen as to create anticipation versus feelings of anxiety.


Model the excitement of going back and remind them it is a safe place and that you will be coming back to get them.


Come up with a silly goodbye routine for morning drop off so they will have something to look forward to doing during the new routine.




View this CDC handwashing video


PCCY Parent Toolkit: https://www.pccy.org/covid/covid-toolkit-parents/